HIV and Sexual Health

 In 2023 – 2024, the African Health and Social Development Organization is proud to launch a Sexual Health Campaign in collaboration with African community Organizations in Norway. The main aim of the campaign is to promote the prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted Diseases; use of condoms together with early testing of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. Sexual health is indeed part of a healthy body.   The main objectives of this campaign are to;

  • Educate the general public about various STIs, their transmission and prevention
  • Increase knowledge about the importance of condom use, and  
  • Encourage people to get tested early and regularly

Girls Project: Entertainment


The main aim of the youth club is to give an opportunity to Somali young girls who have difficulties in fitting into mainstream Norwegian society and help them to achieve their potential through signpost, guidance and keep them away from crime and antisocial behaviour. In addition it encourages the young girls to be in education and integrate positively with wider society and take part in mainstream youth activities. The youth club delivers a range of activities and opportunities for girls in a culturally sensitive environment with the aim of encouraging more young women into mainstream provision such as education, training, employment and community work.